#! /usr/bin/env bash

# file      : build/import/libsqlite/configure
# copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Code Synthesis Tools CC
# license   : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file

# $1           - out config file
# bld_root     - build root
# project_name - project name

source $bld_root/dialog.bash

$echo "Configuring external dependency on 'SQLite library' for '$project_name'."

$echo "Would you like to configure dependency on the installed version"
$echo "of 'SQLite library' as opposed to the development build?"

installed=`read_y_n y`


if [ "$installed" = "n" ]; then

  $echo "Please enter the 'SQLite library' root directory."

  root=`read_path --directory --exist`

  $echo "Please select the library type you would like to use:"
  $echo "(1) archive"
  $echo "(2) shared object"

  type=`read_option "archive shared" "shared"`

echo libsqlite_installed := $installed   >$1

if [ "$installed" = "n" ]; then
  echo libsqlite_root := $root >>$1
  echo libsqlite_type := $type >>$1