- Document character encoding used to return text for each database [doc] ! Copyright update [doc] ! Statement name truncation in PostgreSQL [pgsql] There seems to be a limit on the prepared statement name in PG. The result is that the names are no longer unique (statement already exists error). What we can do to help with that is put the statement kind (perists, find, etc.) part at the beginning of the name rather than at the end as we do now. See email from <abellina@gmail.com>/11-Jun-2014. - Add noexcept to move construction and assignment [c++11] Without noexcept some code (e.g., swap()) may have to resorts to copy. ! Command Line Tools required for ODB binary package on Mac OS [macosx] It seems without them there are no standard headers in /usr/include. Need to test and document. ! Private GCC in Mac OS ODB binary crashes on Yosemite [macosx] The symptom is: odb: error: unable to extract profile paths See email from <axel50397@gmail.com>/23-Oct-2014.