ODB License Exception for build2 Software
               Version 1.0

1. Intent

The intent of this License Exception is to allow the build2 software
to use ODB without the "copyleft" restrictions that would normally be
imposed by the GPL, the license under which ODB is distributed.

Specifically, the intent is to allow you to use the original build2
software in your open source or proprietary works without imposing
any additional restrictions to the terms and conditions of the MIT
license used by build2.

If you wish to modify the build2 software in such a way that it requires
changes to the persistent object model handled by ODB, you can continue
enjoying the terms of this exception provided that you are prepared to
release your modifications under MIT or another open source license
and you obtain a separate license exception for your modifications from
Code Synthesis Tools CC.

While this exception is specific to build2, any open source software
project licensed under a more liberal than the GPL license can obtain
a similar exception free of charge by contacting Code Synthesis Tools CC.

2. Definitions

"Original Software" is the build2 software (including, but not limited
to its bpkg and bdep components), Copyright (c) Code Synthesis Ltd,
distributed under the terms of the MIT license, and available to any
third party from:


"ODB-Extended Software" are any modifications to the Original Software
that require additions or changes to the persistent object model of
the Original Software that is handled by ODB.

"Work Based on the Original Software" is any derivative work under the
copyright law that is either based on the Original Software or any
modified version of the Original Software that does not constitute
ODB-Extended Software.

"Work Based on the ODB-Extended Software" is any derivative work under
the copyright law that is based on any modified version of the Original
Software that constitutes ODB-Extended Software.

3. Legal Terms and Conditions

As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 2 of the
GPL you may use the ODB runtime libraries in Original Software and in
Works Based on the Original Software and distribute the resulting works
in object code or executable form and without making source code for
such works available to any third party, provided that all of the
following conditions are met:

  a) Original Software was licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
     parties under the terms of the MIT license.

  b) The ODB runtime libraries in Works Based on the Original Software
     are used solely for the purpose of supporting the functionality of
     the Original Software.

The same exception does not apply automatically to ODB-Extended Software
or Works Based on the ODB-Extended Software. If you wish to enjoy this
exception for such works, then you will need to license ODB-Extended
Software at no charge to all third parties under the terms of the MIT
license or another open source license. You will also need to obtain a
separate License Exception for ODB-Extended Software from Code Synthesis
Tools CC.