Assumptions: 1. Root directory is c:\projects 2. Cygwin is in c:\cygwin 3. T:\pack contains the source packages and odb compiler binary for Windows (drive T: is mapped to your /tmp directory). Steps: 1. Copy odb\ to the root directory. 2. Edit default.options, <db>-driver.bat and <db>.options to match your setup. 3. Run the 'unpack' script. 4. Set up VC++ lib and include directories for the following: mysql mysql64 sqlite odb/libodb odb/libodb-tracer odb/libodb-sqlite odb/libodb-mysql odb/libodb-boost And bin directory for odb/bin/ 5. Adjust DEVENV variable in setenv.bat. 6. Run the 'all' script: ./all <vc-version> <database> <conf> <plat> 2>&1 | tee all.log