// file : prepared/driver.cxx // copyright : not copyrighted - public domain #include <memory> // std::auto_ptr #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <odb/database.hxx> #include <odb/connection.hxx> #include <odb/transaction.hxx> #include "database.hxx" // create_database #include "person.hxx" #include "person-odb.hxx" using namespace std; using namespace odb::core; struct params { unsigned short age; string first; }; static void query_factory (const char* name, connection& c) { typedef odb::query<person> query; auto_ptr<params> p (new params); query q (query::age > query::_ref (p->age) && query::first == query::_ref (p->first)); prepared_query<person> pq (c.prepare_query<person> (name, q)); c.cache_query (pq, p); } static void print_ages (unsigned short age, odb::result<person> r) { cout << "over " << age << ':'; for (odb::result<person>::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i) cout << ' ' << i->age (); cout << endl; } int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { auto_ptr<database> db (create_database (argc, argv)); // Create a few persistent person objects. // { person p1 ("John", "First", 91); person p2 ("John", "Second", 81); person p3 ("John", "Third", 71); person p4 ("John", "Fourth", 61); person p5 ("John", "Fifth", 51); transaction t (db->begin ()); db->persist (p1); db->persist (p2); db->persist (p3); db->persist (p4); db->persist (p5); t.commit (); } typedef odb::query<person> query; typedef odb::prepared_query<person> prep_query; typedef odb::result<person> result; // Example of an uncached prepared query in the same transaction. // { transaction t (db->begin ()); unsigned short age; query q (query::age > query::_ref (age)); prep_query pq (db->prepare_query<person> ("person-age-query", q)); for (age = 90; age > 40; age -= 10) { result r (pq.execute ()); print_ages (age, r); } t.commit (); } // Example of an uncached prepared query in multiple transactions. // // Note that here we have to first obtain a connection, then prepare // the query using this connection, and finally start each transaction // that uses the prepared query on this connection. // { connection_ptr conn (db->connection ()); unsigned short age; query q (query::age > query::_ref (age)); prep_query pq (conn->prepare_query<person> ("person-age-query", q)); for (age = 90; age > 40; age -= 10) { transaction t (conn->begin ()); result r (pq.execute ()); print_ages (age, r); t.commit (); } } // Example of a cached prepared query without by-reference parameters. // for (unsigned short i (0); i < 5; ++i) { transaction t (db->begin ()); prep_query pq (db->lookup_query<person> ("person-val-age-query")); if (!pq) { pq = db->prepare_query<person> ( "person-val-age-query", query::age > 50); db->cache_query (pq); } result r (pq.execute ()); print_ages (50, r); t.commit (); } // Example of a cached prepared query with by-reference parameters. // for (unsigned short age (90); age > 40; age -= 10) { transaction t (db->begin ()); unsigned short* age_param; prep_query pq ( db->lookup_query<person> ("person-ref-age-query", age_param)); if (!pq) { auto_ptr<unsigned short> p (new unsigned short); age_param = p.get (); query q (query::age > query::_ref (*age_param)); pq = db->prepare_query<person> ("person-ref-age-query", q); db->cache_query (pq, p); // Assumes ownership of p. } *age_param = age; // Initialize the parameter. result r (pq.execute ()); print_ages (age, r); t.commit (); } // Example of a cached prepared query that uses a query factory. // db->query_factory ("person-age-name-query", &query_factory); for (unsigned short age (90); age > 40; age -= 10) { transaction t (db->begin ()); params* p; prep_query pq (db->lookup_query<person> ("person-age-name-query", p)); assert (pq); p->age = age; p->first = "John"; result r (pq.execute ()); print_ages (age, r); t.commit (); } // In C++11 the above call to query_factory() can be re-written to // use a lambda function, for example: // /* db->query_factory ( "person-age-name-query", [] (const char* name, connection& c) { unique_ptr<params> p (new params); query q (query::age > query::_ref (p->age) && query::first == query::_ref (p->first)); prepared_query<person> pq (c.prepare_query<person> (name, q)); c.cache_query (pq, std::move (p)); }); */ // Prepared queries can also be used with views, as shown in the // following example. // { typedef odb::query<person_count> query; typedef odb::prepared_query<person_count> prep_query; transaction t (db->begin ()); unsigned short age; query q (query::age > query::_ref (age)); prep_query pq ( db->prepare_query<person_count> ("person-count-age-query", q)); // Because an aggregate query result always contains one element, // we use execute_value() insetad of execute() as a shortcut: // for (age = 90; age > 40; age -= 10) cout << "over " << age << ": " << pq.execute_value ().count << endl; t.commit (); } } catch (const odb::exception& e) { cerr << e.what () << endl; return 1; } }