// file : section/driver.cxx // copyright : not copyrighted - public domain #include <memory> // std::auto_ptr #include <iostream> #include <odb/database.hxx> #include <odb/transaction.hxx> #include "database.hxx" // create_database #include "person.hxx" #include "person-odb.hxx" using namespace std; using namespace odb::core; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { auto_ptr<database> db (create_database (argc, argv)); unsigned long id; // Create a persistent person object. // { person joe ("Joe", "Dirt"); joe.bio ("Joe Dirt is a very strange man indeed..."); joe.nicknames ().push_back ("JD"); // At this point the state of a section is undefined since the // object is transient. transaction t (db->begin ()); id = db->persist (joe); t.commit (); // Now, since the object is persistent, the state of the section // is loaded and unchanged. } // Load the object and print what we've got. Then update the bio. // { transaction t (db->begin ()); auto_ptr<person> p (db->load<person> (id)); // Now, while the object is loaded, the section is not. If (and // when) we need to access the section data members, we have to // load them explicitly. cout << p->first () << " " << p->last () << endl; db->load (*p, p->extras_section ()); // Now the section is loaded and unchanged. cout << " " << p->bio () << endl << " " << p->nicknames ().size () << " nickname(s)" << endl; // Update the bio. // p->bio ("Joe Dirt is a very clean man indeed..."); // Now, the section is marked changed by the bio() modifier. // Because of that, the following object update will also // update the section. // db->update (*p); t.commit (); } // Add a new nickname. // { transaction t (db->begin ()); auto_ptr<person> p (db->load<person> (id)); db->load (*p, p->extras_section ()); // Add a new nickname. The nicknames container is now marked // changed. // p->nicknames ().push_back ("Squeaky Clean"); // While the section hasn't been marked as changed, a change- // tracking container that belongs to it has been. As a result, // the following object update call will automatically mark the // section as changed and update its state in the database. // db->update (*p); t.commit (); } // We can also update just the section if we know the rest of // the object hasn't changed. // { transaction t (db->begin ()); auto_ptr<person> p (db->load<person> (id)); db->load (*p, p->extras_section ()); p->nicknames ().push_back ("Dirty Joe"); db->update (*p, p->extras_section ()); t.commit (); } // Load and print the updated object. // { transaction t (db->begin ()); auto_ptr<person> p (db->load<person> (id)); db->load (*p, p->extras_section ()); t.commit (); cout << p->first () << " " << p->last () << endl << " " << p->bio () << endl << " " << p->nicknames ().size () << " nickname(s)" << endl; } } catch (const odb::exception& e) { cerr << e.what () << endl; return 1; } }