path: root/build2/download
diff options
authorBoris Kolpackov <>2023-10-06 10:52:27 +0200
committerBoris Kolpackov <>2023-10-06 10:52:27 +0200
commit0f49809befc87c8041d1a0823087fe38619fe454 (patch)
tree792ffcaabcf6819d9f4576ac9499a2f9f5a978eb /build2/download
parentcc69eac1b4f48631954dde9f08c13384cc547822 (diff)
Updates for 4.2.0 release
Diffstat (limited to 'build2/download')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build2/download b/build2/download
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cbc1ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build2/download
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# Download and arrange source and binary packages.
+# Run from the root of the destination download directory. Note that the
+# destination files are expected not to exist.
+declare -A vers
+declare -A srcs
+declare -A bins
+# Key is project name.
+# Key is package name, value is project name (for version).
+# The key is "<dist>/<os>/<proj>/<pkg>/<cfg>". The value is the destination
+# subdirectory.
+# @@ TODO: replace default <cfg> with arch, etc.
+trap "{ cd $owd; exit 1; }" ERR
+set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
+shopt -s lastpipe # Execute last pipeline command in current shell.
+function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; }
+function error () { info "$*"; exit 1; }
+declare -A dirs # Package directories to generate packages.sha256 in.
+# Download and arrange sources.
+if true; then
+for pkg in "${!srcs[@]}"; do
+ prj="${srcs[$pkg]}"
+ ver="${vers[$prj]}"
+ pkgf="$pkg-$ver.tar.gz"
+ url="$src_repo/$prj/$pkgf"
+ info "fetching $url"
+ curl -sSf -o "$pkgf" "$url"
+ # Make .zip archive for examples.
+ #
+ if [ -n "$(sed -rn -e 's/^.+-examples$/true/p' <<<"$pkg")" ]; then
+ pkgd="$pkg-$ver"
+ if [ -d "$pkgd" ]; then
+ error "package directory $pkgd already exist"
+ fi
+ info "repacking $pkgf"
+ tar -xf "$pkgf"
+ zip -r "$pkg-$" "$pkgd"
+ rm -rf "$pkgd"
+ fi
+# Download and arrange binaries.
+if true; then
+for bk in "${!bins[@]}"; do
+ bv="${bins[$bk]}"
+ # Get the distribution type we are dealing with.
+ #
+ dist="$(sed -rn -e 's#^(.+)/.+/.+/.+/.+$#\1#p' <<<"$bk")"
+ # Get the project we are dealing with and its version.
+ #
+ prj="$(sed -rn -e 's#^.+/.+/(.+)/.+/.+$#\1#p' <<<"$bk")"
+ ver="${vers[$prj]}"
+ url="$bin_repo/"
+ url+="$(sed -rn -e "s#^(.+/.+/.+/.+)/(.+)\$#\\1/$ver/\\2#p" <<<"$bk")"
+ # Get the list of packages (keys) and their checksums (values) at this URL
+ # by loading its packages.sha256.
+ #
+ unset pkgs # Clear.
+ declare -A pkgs
+ curl -sSf "$url/packages.sha256" | while read l; do
+ pkg="$(sed -rn -e 's#^([^ ]+) \*(.+)$#\2#p' <<<"$l")"
+ # Get the extension and omit certain distribution-specific file types.
+ #
+ e="$(sed -rn -e 's#^.+\.([^.]+)$#\1#p' <<<"$pkg")"
+ case "$dist" in
+ "debian")
+ if [ "$e" = "buildinfo" -o "$e" = "changes" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "fedora")
+ ;;
+ esac
+ csm="$(sed -rn -e 's#^([^ ]+) \*(.+)$#\1#p' <<<"$l")"
+ pkgs["$pkg"]="$csm"
+ done
+ mkdir -p "$bv"
+ # Download each package and verify checksum.
+ #
+ for pkg in "${!pkgs[@]}"; do
+ pkgf="$bv/$pkg"
+ if [ -f "$pkgf" ]; then
+ error "destination package $pkgf from $bk already exist"
+ fi
+ info "fetching $url/$pkg"
+ curl -sSf -o "$pkgf" "$url/$pkg"
+ csm="$(sha256sum -b "$pkgf" | sed -rn -e 's#^([^ ]+) \*(.+)$#\1#p')"
+ if [ "$csm" != "${pkgs[$pkg]}" ]; then
+ error "checksum mismatch for package $pkgf from $bk"
+ fi
+ done
+ dirs["$bv"]=true
+# Generate packages.sha256
+for d in "${!dirs[@]}"; do
+ cd "$d"
+ rm -f "packages.sha256"
+ l="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%P\n' | sort)" # Array-like.
+ sha256sum -b $l >"packages.sha256"
+ cd "$owd"